Despite freezing temperatures, there has not been a dull moment along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China in the past few months. Considerable heat, in fact, is being generated with “talks and skirmishes” going hand in hand. The 9th Corps Commanders level talk between Indian Army and PLA, held on 24 January, culminated […]
Imran Khan: Riding the Chinese bandwagon to suck India into a two front war
Pakistan has maintained a diplomatic silence with respect to the tension between India and China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). However, behind the curtain, it is quite pleased with the course of events and is egging China along while maintaining a poker face. The mask, however, comes down on the numerous occasions when […]
China’s Ladakh misadventure has left it stuck between the devil and the deep sea
Diplomatic parleys to diffuse the situation between India and China in eastern Ladakh are being carried out with great urgency. Towards this end, the sixth virtual meeting of the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination (WMCC) on border affairs was held on October, 01. The thrust was to take forward the “five-point consensus” between foreign […]
Global Times – the obnoxious headquarter of Chinese Information warfare.
In the world of today, information has been identified as the biggest asset; it is utilized by Nations for creating beneficial narratives on the one hand and dissension within inimical domains on the other. Authoritarian regimes are masters in the use and misuse of information. It is so because they can ensure full internal secrecy […]
China: Nursing a bloody nose and a terribly bruised ego
The Chinese leadership and its chief land mafia, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) are presently nursing a bloody nose and a terribly bruised ego. Their belligerent plans in Eastern Ladakh have been demolished by the Indian Army that has proved its tactical and operational superiority. PLA stands exposed as being nothing more than a bully, […]