Despite freezing temperatures, there has not been a dull moment along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China in the past few months. Considerable heat, in fact, is being generated with “talks and skirmishes” going hand in hand. The 9th Corps Commanders level talk between Indian Army and PLA, held on 24 January, culminated […]
China’s Ladakh misadventure has left it stuck between the devil and the deep sea
Diplomatic parleys to diffuse the situation between India and China in eastern Ladakh are being carried out with great urgency. Towards this end, the sixth virtual meeting of the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination (WMCC) on border affairs was held on October, 01. The thrust was to take forward the “five-point consensus” between foreign […]
Indo-China Faceoff: Spread of mis-information and dis-information
India is grappling with a serious confrontation with China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The Government is pursuing a mature policy involving both diplomatic as well as military channels, while taking all precaution to ensure that the matter does not escalate to an unacceptable level. The international community is keenly monitoring the situation. […]
PLA – People’s Land-grab Army of China is presently in its element
“Desperate men do desperate things,” these words ring in the ears with regard to the series of misadventures that China is indulging in the critical COVID environment. Apart from its international isolation due to deceit and treachery in management of COVID-19, China is facing an existential crisis on several fronts including shortage of food for […]